
Lesson 3 Connect your device to QIoT Suite Lite using MQTTS

In Lesson 2 , we complete deploy sample code to your device .In this lesson, you will learn how yo use sample code to connect to QIoT Suite Lite.

And there are two parts:

A: Run Sample Code

B:Another protocol

Part A :Run Sample Code

  • Open Terminal application (e.g., PuTTY) on your PC.Connect to your device by SSH and enter the folder where put sample code (e.g., /home/root/bundle).

  • Install sample code dependency,enter command as following

    root@edison_arduino:~# cd {folder where you put sample code}
    root@edison_arduino:~/bundle# npm install

  • Run sample code

    root@edison_arduino:~/bundle# node mqtt.js

  • device will send message to topic "temp" or that you defined ,as below image.

Part B :Another protocol

  • Click "Connection a device" button

  • You can choose another protocol you would like to use


  • SSH to your device , and input command as following.

    pi@berry:~/bundle$ cd /home/{{user}}/bundle

    // mqtt(dont' need certificate,just put JSON file to "res" folder):
    root@edison_arduino:~/bundle# node mqtt.js

    // http
    root@edison_arduino:~/bundle# node http.js

    // https
    root@edison_arduino:~/bundle# node https.js

    // coap
    root@edison_arduino:~/bundle# node coap.js

  • In next Lesson ,we will integrate Power BI to visualize senser data . Lesson 4 Integrate Power BI

Please visit QNAP github for QIoT Suite Lite sample code


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