目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
In this tutorial, your will learn how to use QNAP QIoT Historic Chart Widget of dshboard.

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QNAP NAS使用movidius USB 搭配NCSDK

docker hub連結


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QNAP NAS 作為 IIoT Gateway QIoT Suite 支援 OPC UA,工業物聯網最佳 Gateway

儲存設備大廠 QNAP開始進軍工業物聯網,主要藉由新版本的 QIoT Suite 2.0 來做一個 data gateway 幫助工廠智慧化。


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Watch on YouTube here: AWS Greengrass for QNAP NAS: Enhance QIoT Suite Lite and QuAI applications


主要是過去AWS主要在雲端(公有雲),QNAP NAS主要在私有雲、自有設備。兩者藉由QNAP 在NAS上整合了AWS Greengrass軟體之後而有了新的應用產生。


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Watch on YouTube here: QNAP x COSCUP 2016 活動花絮
via Channel Name (or Channel URL)


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Watch on YouTube here: QNAP QIoT Suite Lite - IoT 應用
via Channel Name (or Channel URL)

繼 QIoT Container 協助開發者布建專屬的 IoT 私有雲平台,QNAP 新推出更快捷的 IoT 開發套件服務 - QIoT Suite,提供多樣化的實用模組讓您立即採用,加速開發與服務流程。QNAP 不僅用 NAS 守護您珍貴的數據資料,更提供 QIoT 技術協助您開拓各式應用,在物聯網世界中奪得先機


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本文章您將會學到如何透過 iFrogLab LoRa 將訊息傳送到 QNAP QIoT Suite Lite.




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Watch on YouTube here: Configurar DHT11 en la Raspberry Pi para QNAP QIoT Suite Lite by @QNAPespana

how to use QNAP NAS to build IoT cloud platform ? all necessary items already in the QNAP NAS ...


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Watch on YouTube here: First IoT Application with QNAP QIoT Suite Lite

Using QNAP NAS to build IoT Cloud platform:


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服務型機器人Pepper 大部分商轉作為接待機器人 !!

Pepper已經出道要六年了阿 !!



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2021補充Intel Edison 相關資源


參考intel Edison 基礎,以及Edison assembly !!!




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2021補充Intel Edison 相關資源



看到Google I/O 上提出的Google Home 以及Amazon 的Echo,於是找了一下如何用Intel Edison 做語音辨識。



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2021補充Intel Edison 相關資源


開始使用 Intel Edison (Node.js)

QIoT Suite Lite

透過本篇教學文章,您將瞭解 Intel Ediso(執行於 Linux 版 Yocto)的基本使用方法。 接著您將學習如何使用 QIoT Suite Lite 順暢連接裝置與 QNAP NAS。


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(Intel Youtube上的影片,留言區也有熱心網友回答問題)




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使用QNAP NAS 如 TVS-473 來自建物聯網雲,藉由docker安裝物聯網套件 搭配Usb dongle 就可以導入BT, ZigBee等



最近BYOC (Build You Own Cloud) 的概念越來越紅加上許多廠商邁入物聯網的領域中 ( 從Arduino 開始到Intel Edison, MTK 7688 以及瑞昱的Ameba )


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App Inventor was originally  a sub-project from Google Lab, initiated by Google engineers and courageous users. It’s a completed  online Android programming environment, which uses the Blocks-based coding programs instead of complex codes. On January 1, 2012, Google Lab transfer this project to MIT Center for Mobile Learning for maintenance, and keep it free and open source.  

It’s quite intuitive and convenient to develop a program from web browser via App Inventor. First, users need to design the UI/UX, and then to set the behavior, which is as easy as playing LEGO bricks blocks. Finally, as long as your phone is connected to the computer, the newly program will be displayed on the phone screen.


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This article is reproduced from CAVEDU education blog with permission.

App Inventor was originally  a sub-project from Google Lab, initiated by Google engineers and courageous users. It’s a completed  online Android programming environment, which uses the Blocks-based coding programs instead of complex codes. On January 1, 2012, Google Lab transfer this project to MIT Center for Mobile Learning for maintenance, and keep it free and open source.  

It’s quite intuitive and convenient to develop a program from web browser via App Inventor. First, users need to design the UI/UX, and then to set the behavior, which is as easy as playing LEGO bricks blocks. Finally, as long as your phone is connected to the computer, the newly program will be displayed on the phone screen.


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2017 :


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Connect Arduino Yun to QNAP NAS via QIoT Suite Lite

Get started with Arduino Yun(Python)

In this section, you will learn the basics of working with Arduino Yun (that runs Linux). You will then learn how to seamlessly connect your devices to QNAP NAS using QIoT Suite Lite. This example is uses the DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor.

1. Configure your devices

1.1 Download Arduino IDE

Download and install the Arduino IDE based on your host PC:


More Arduino tutorials can be found here:


1.2 Configure and test your devices

If this is your first time using Arduino Yun, you will have to follow some steps to assemble it.


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