拿到Ice Cream Sandwich之後 要怎麼吃呢?
SE教大家 Ice Cream Sandwich – from source code release to software upgrade
1. 底層要先能動 - The Bring up phase: Getting Ice Cream Sandwich to work on our phones
2. 接著是framework要整 - Integrating Android patches
3. 然後上層的App也要做測試 - Getting the software stable and adding localisation
4. 出貨一定要過認證 - The Certification and approval phase: Making sure the software and hardware is compliant
5. 最後新的feature也許有新的認證 - Additional approvals might be needed
真的不簡單阿 ~
因為要花以上這些功夫,拿到ICS之後還是要到明年才會真的吃到 ~
目前只有Galaxy Nexus 可以今年出現 其他廠牌頂多只有搶鮮版可以過過癮 !
其他Android 開發文章請見: Android開發豆知識