

                                                       主講者: 蔡孟晃 老師

  I. Why English resume is important?


  II. How to write English resume?

      Perhaps one of the most important tools you will use in
  searching for a job is your resume. The primary purpose of your
  resume is to interest an employer enough to contact you for an
  interview. If you are sending out your resume and not getting
  calls for interviews, the resume is not working. The information
  you include and the way you arrange it will determine whether or
  not you get your foot in the door. As a result, You might be
  perfect for the job, but if your resume isn't, you could lose out.
  A top-notch English resume will set you apart from the
  competition. Just follow these tips for writing a winning resume
  and get the job!

      An employer typically spends less than 20 seconds reviewing
  your resume! Therefore, it must be easy to read and show
  integration between your job objective and the supporting data.

  A. Content


    List your specific area of interest, the level of the position
  you desire, and when appropriate, the specific skills you want to
  employ. It helps them determine if you're a good match. Include a
  heading at the beginning of your resume called "Objective" and
  then write a short statement. Example: "To work in a dynamic
  marketing department."即你要應徵的職務、工作內容等。簡單說明應徵
  的職務名稱即可,如"Product Manager"(產品經理)、"Assistant"(助理)
  、"Sales Representative"(業務代表)以及"Software Engineer"(軟體工程師)。

  Name、Present address、Telephone, and Email address

  3. EDUCATION(教育程度)

    List all the schools you attended beyond high school,
  dates(optional), degrees held, and major areas of study, in
  reverse chronological order. If you are seeking a career in
  business, but are not a business major, list any related electives
  you may have taken such as computer science, economics, accounting
  or other business courses.  ---條列式表達。

  4. EXPERIENCE (工作經驗)

    Starting with your most recent position, list all the full-time,
  part-time, summer and military positions you have held, including
  internships. Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments in
  terms of the results you produced.


    Relevant information, such as special skills (i.e., languages,
  computer skills), student leadership, extracurricular activities
  on and off campus, community or volunteer service, honorary
  societies, publications and awards can be listed under related
  headings, such as " Student Activities" or "Awards and
  目的重要性或與應徵職務關係的程度先後順序加以說明。LANGUAGES & SKILLS

  6. REFERENCES (保證人)

    On a separate sheet of paper, type the names, address and phone
  unmbers of your references. Indicate their relationship to you
  (i.e., former employer, college advisor, etc)有的企業需要求職者提供

  B. hints (注意事項)

      1. Duties or accomplishments? (是工作內容,還是成就呢?)

         A duty is an assigned task. An accomplishment is an
  achievement - a positive result of your efforts. Employers like to
  know what your tasks were in past jobs, but they're more
  interested in what you achieved. So when describing past jobs,
  brag a little! Cite specific accomplishments. Example: One of your
  duties was doing staff scheduling, and you solved a big scheduling
  problem. Write, "Solved scheduling conflict."

      2. Adjust your grammar (更改你的文法)

     Since you have lots to say, but little space, resume writing
  standards allow for abbreviated sentence construction. Leave out
  sentence subjects (e.g. I, my manager), possessive pronouns
  (my/mine, his/hers), and sometimes even articles (the, a). If
  you're listing more than one accomplishment in a sentence you can
  replace "and" with a semicolon. Example: "I led an important
  project and my manager gave me an award" would become "Led key
  project; awarded by manager."

      3. Use action verbs (使用主動動詞)

     Action verbs show a specific action, e.g. solved, managed,
  initiated, accomplished. Examples of passive verbs are am, was,
  have and had. In a resume, action verbs make you sound like a
  motivated, energetic person - just the type someone would want to
  hire! Example: "Managed a team of 20 employees" sounds more
  powerful than "Was in charge of 20 employees."

  C. Cover Letter撰寫 (中英文皆可)

  嗎?其實最有禮貌的作法,還是要附上一封"Cover Letter",即所謂的應徵函

  III. English Interview

  A. Interviewer Questions

  1. Tell me a little about yourself.

  2. Why are you interested in working for our company?

  3. What kind of work would you like to do?

  4. What interests you most about this job?

  5. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?

  6. How well did you do in school?

  7. Do you belong to any associations or clubs?

  8. What's the biggest achievement you've ever made?

  9. What do you consider to be your strong points?

  10. What do you consider to be your weak points?

  11. What type of people do you prefer to work with?

  12. Where do you think you'd like to be in 5 years?

  13. Tell me about a situation at work that frustrated you.

  14. Are you doing anything to improve yourself?

  15. What newspapers and magazines do you take?

  16. How do you like to spend your free time?

  17. Name the books you've read recently.

  18. How do you feel about working overtime?

  19. What's your minimum salary requirement?

  20. When will you be available to start work here?

  21. Why are you leaving your present job? / Why did you leave your

  I found myself bored with the work and looking for more
  challenges. I am an excellent employee and I didn't want my
  unhappiness to have any impact on the job I was doing for my

  There isn't room for growth with my current employer and I'm ready
  to move on to a new challenge.

  I'm looking for a bigger challenge and to grow my career and I
  couldn't job hunt part time while working. It didn't seem ethical
  to use my former employer's time.

  I was laid-off from my last position when our department was
  eliminated due to corporate restructuring.

  I'm relocating to this area due to family circumstances and left
  my previous position in order to make the move.

  I've decided that is not the direction I want to go in my career
  and my current employer has no opportunities in the direction I'd
  like to head.

  After several years in my last position, I'm looking for an
  company where I can contribute and grow in a team-oriented

  I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my
  technical skills and experience in a different capacity than I
  have in the past.

  I recently received my degree and I want to utilize my educational
  background in my next position.

  I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very
  ready for a new challenge.

  I left my last position in order to spend more time with my
  family. Circumstances have changed and I'm more than ready for
  full-time employment again.

  I am seeking a position with a stable company with room for growth
  and opportunity for advancement.

  I was commuting to the city and spending a significant amount of
  time each day on travel. I would prefer to be closer to home.
  To be honest, I wasn't considering a move, but, I saw this job
  posting and was intrigued by the position and the company. It
  sounds like an exciting opportunity and an ideal match with my

  This position seemed like an excellent match for my skills and
  experience and I am not able to fully utilize them in my present

  The company was cutting back and, unfortunately, my job was one of
  those eliminated.

  22. If I spoke to your previous supervisor, what would he or she
      say about you?

  B. Tips for an English Interview

  1. Use normal speaking speed

  2. Give a concise self-introduction

  3. Use simple sentences

  4. Ask for repetition

  C. Interviewee Questions

  1. What exactly does this job involve? / What are the
  responsibilities of this job?

  2. How much travel is involved? / Does this job involve travel?

  3. Does this job entail working overtime?

  4. What kind of benefits does your company offer?

  5. Are there any opportunities for on-the-training or study?

  D. When finished interviewing

  1. Thank you for the opportunity.

  2. I hope I'll have the chance to work with company.


  Appendix 1---Sample of the resume

  Appendix 2---Sample of the cover lette



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