目前分類:Glossary名詞解釋 (210)

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wiki : ping

In blogging, ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server that its content has been updated. An XML-RPC signal is sent to one or more "ping servers," which can then generate a list of blogs that have new material. Many blog authoring tools automatically ping one or more servers each time the blogger creates a new post or updates an old one.

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wiki : ping

In blogging, ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server that its content has been updated. An XML-RPC signal is sent to one or more "ping servers," which can then generate a list of blogs that have new material. Many blog authoring tools automatically ping one or more servers each time the blogger creates a new post or updates an old one.

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wiki:Cross compiler

A cross compiler is a compiler capable of creating executable code for a platform other than the one on which the compiler is run. Cross compiler tools are generally found in use to generate compiles for embedded system or multiple platforms. It is a tool that one must use for a platform where it is inconvenient or impossible to compile on that platform, like microcontrollers that run with a minimal amount of memory for their own purpose. It has become more common to use this tool for paravirtualization where a system may have one or more platforms in use.

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In software, a toolchain is the set of computer programs (tools) that are used to create a product (typically another computer program or system of programs). The tools may be used in a chain, so that the output of each tool becomes the input for the next, but the term is used widely to refer to any set of linked development tools.

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還不太能講清楚說明白的東西 @@
先暫存一下 持續補筆記

tttt 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

還不太能講清楚說明白的東西 @@
先暫存一下 持續補筆記

tttt 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


英特爾引爆MID商機 仁寶、廣達獲訂單11月開始出貨

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英特爾引爆MID商機 仁寶、廣達獲訂單11月開始出貨

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wiki : gpio

General (GPIO) is a acronym of General Purpose Input/Output.

A microprocessor, microcontroller or interface device may have one or more GPIO connections, to interface with the outside world.

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wiki : gpio

General (GPIO) is a acronym of General Purpose Input/Output.

A microprocessor, microcontroller or interface device may have one or more GPIO connections, to interface with the outside world.

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wiki : gpio

General (GPIO) is a acronym of General Purpose Input/Output.

A microprocessor, microcontroller or interface device may have one or more GPIO connections, to interface with the outside world.

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wiki : gpio

General (GPIO) is a acronym of General Purpose Input/Output.

A microprocessor, microcontroller or interface device may have one or more GPIO connections, to interface with the outside world.

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wiki : mmap

In computing, mmap is a POSIX-compliant Unix system call that maps files or devices into memory. It is a method of memory-mapped file I/O. It naturally implements demand paging, because initially file contents are not entirely read from disk and don't use physical RAM at all.


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wiki : mmap

In computing, mmap is a POSIX-compliant Unix system call that maps files or devices into memory. It is a method of memory-mapped file I/O. It naturally implements demand paging, because initially file contents are not entirely read from disk and don't use physical RAM at all.


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wiki : mmap

In computing, mmap is a POSIX-compliant Unix system call that maps files or devices into memory. It is a method of memory-mapped file I/O. It naturally implements demand paging, because initially file contents are not entirely read from disk and don't use physical RAM at all.


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wiki : mmap

In computing, mmap is a POSIX-compliant Unix system call that maps files or devices into memory. It is a method of memory-mapped file I/O. It naturally implements demand paging, because initially file contents are not entirely read from disk and don't use physical RAM at all.


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wiki : ioctl

ioctls are typically employed to allow userspace code to communicate with hardware devices or kernel components.


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wiki : ioctl

ioctls are typically employed to allow userspace code to communicate with hardware devices or kernel components.


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