目前分類:Glossary名詞解釋 (210)

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* 定義為以信令網為傳輸載體,傳輸文字等簡短信息的業務。SMS主要以手機端對端的發送和接收以及手機與互 ...


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UDP (User Datagram Protocol )


* 用戶數據報協議 (User Datagram Protocol, UDP)是一個簡單的面向數據報的傳輸層協議,IETF RFC 768是UDP的正式規範。


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* 定義為以信令網為傳輸載體,傳輸文字等簡短信息的業務。SMS主要以手機端對端的發送和接收以及手機與互 ...

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手機名詞解釋 什麼是 SMS (Short Message Service) ?



* 定義為以信令網為傳輸載體,傳輸文字等簡短信息的業務。SMS主要以手機端對端的發送和接收以及手機與互 ...


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* 定義為以信令網為傳輸載體,傳輸文字等簡短信息的業務。SMS主要以手機端對端的發送和接收以及手機與互 ...

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Q: 什麼是 GPRS ?

A:  GPRS通用封包無線服務技術(General Packet Radio Service)是GSM行動電話用戶可用的一種移動數據業務。 它經常被描述成「2.5G」,也就是說這項技術位於第二代(2G)和第三代(3G)移動通訊技術之間。它通過利用GSM網路中未使用的TDMA通道,提供中速的數據傳遞。最初有人想通過擴展GPRS來覆蓋其他標準,只是這些網路都正在轉而使用GSM標準,這樣GSM就成了GPRS唯一能夠使用的網路。GPRS在Release 97之後被集成進GSM標準,起先它是由ETSI標準化的,但是當前已經移交3GPP負責。

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Q: 什麼是 GPRS ?



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Q: 什麼是 GPRS ?


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Q: 什麼是HSDPA ?


HSDPA高速下行封包接入(High Speed Downlink Packet Access)是一種行動通訊協議,亦稱為3.5G(3½G)。該協議在WCDMA下行鏈路中提供封包數據業務,在一個5MHz載波上的傳輸速率可達8-10 Mbit/s(如採用MIMO技術,則可達20 Mbit/s)。在具體實現中,採用了自適應調變編碼(AMC)、多輸入多輸出(MIMO)、混合自動重傳請求(HARQ)、快速調度、快速小區選擇等技術。

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Q: 什麼是HSDPA ?


HSDPA高速下行封包接入(High Speed Downlink Packet Access)是一種行動通訊協議,亦稱為3.5G(3½G)。該協議在WCDMA下行鏈路中提供封包數據業務,在一個5MHz載波上的傳輸速率可達8-10 Mbit/s(如採用MIMO技術,則可達20 Mbit/s)。在具體實現中,採用了自適應調變編碼(AMC)、多輸入多輸出(MIMO)、混合自動重傳請求(HARQ)、快速調度、快速小區選擇等技術。

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Q: 什麼是WAP ?

A: 在1997年6月,由全球前三大手機大廠Nokia、Ericsson、Motorola 和Unwired Planet一起合作,共同訂定能在手機和其他無線通訊終 端設備上傳送語音與數據資料的通訊協定標準,並命為WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)。WAP是一種開放式、標準的無線應用軟體協定,主要是為數位式行動電話 ( 如 GSM 系統 ) 與其它無線終端裝置,提供無線通訊與資訊服務。一個WAP 系統有兩個最重要的組成元素,一個是所使用的語言:WML,類似於在個人電腦上面瀏覽器中所用的 HTML 程式語言。另外一個是 WAP Gateway / Proxy,負責網頁原始程式碼的轉換。


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Q: 什麼是WAP ?

A: 在1997年6月,由全球前三大手機大廠Nokia、Ericsson、Motorola 和Unwired Planet一起合作,共同訂定能在手機和其他無線通訊終 端設備上傳送語音與數據資料的通訊協定標準,並命為WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)。WAP是一種開放式、標準的無線應用軟體協定,主要是為數位式行動電話 ( 如 GSM 系統 ) 與其它無線終端裝置,提供無線通訊與資訊服務。一個WAP 系統有兩個最重要的組成元素,一個是所使用的語言:WML,類似於在個人電腦上面瀏覽器中所用的 HTML 程式語言。另外一個是 WAP Gateway / Proxy,負責網頁原始程式碼的轉換。


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* 全球定位系統(Global Positioning System,通常簡稱GPS)是一個中距離圓型軌道衛星導航系統。 ...

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wiki: MMS

Multimedia Messaging Service, MMS for short, is a cellular telephone standard for sending messages that include multimedia objects (images, audio, video, rich text). MMS is an extension of the SMS standard, allowing longer message lengths and using WAP to display the content. Its most popular use is sending photographs from camera-equipped handsets, although it is also popular as a method of delivering ringtones as well. The standard is developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), although during development it was part of the 3GPP and WAP groups.

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wiki: MMS

Multimedia Messaging Service, MMS for short, is a cellular telephone standard for sending messages that include multimedia objects (images, audio, video, rich text). MMS is an extension of the SMS standard, allowing longer message lengths and using WAP to display the content. Its most popular use is sending photographs from camera-equipped handsets, although it is also popular as a method of delivering ringtones as well. The standard is developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), although during development it was part of the 3GPP and WAP groups.

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wiki: MMS

Multimedia Messaging Service, MMS for short, is a cellular telephone standard for sending messages that include multimedia objects (images, audio, video, rich text). MMS is an extension of the SMS standard, allowing longer message lengths and using WAP to display the content. Its most popular use is sending photographs from camera-equipped handsets, although it is also popular as a method of delivering ringtones as well. The standard is developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), although during development it was part of the 3GPP and WAP groups.

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wiki: MMS

Multimedia Messaging Service, MMS for short, is a cellular telephone standard for sending messages that include multimedia objects (images, audio, video, rich text). MMS is an extension of the SMS standard, allowing longer message lengths and using WAP to display the content. Its most popular use is sending photographs from camera-equipped handsets, although it is also popular as a method of delivering ringtones as well. The standard is developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), although during development it was part of the 3GPP and WAP groups.

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SIM Application Toolkit (commonly referred to as STK)


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SIM Application Toolkit (commonly referred to as STK)


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wiki : JSON

JSON(Javascript Object Notation)是一種輕量級的資料交換語言,以文字為基礎,且易於讓人閱讀。儘管JSON是在Javascript的一個子集,但JSON是獨立於語言的文字格式,並且採用了類似於C語言家族的一些習慣。


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