目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

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本篇教學文章說明如何在 QNAP QIoT Suite Lite 使用歷史資料存取 API。 使用歷史資料存取 API 時,您必須在 QIoT 建立物體並確認資料輸入類型為數字(int、float),才能正確輸出 count、sum、vmin、vmax 及 vavg 類型的資料。

此外,如果您的資料來自 Node-RED(如 TCP、UDP、HTTP 及 MQTT 節點),您必須將其變更為適用的 QIoT 物體, 如下圖所示。

1. 使用 Node-RED QHistoricData 節點


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本篇教學文章說明如何使用 ESP8266,透過 MQTT 連線至 QIoT Suite Lite 以收發資料。 由於 ESP8266 具有不同的韌體、規格和用法,因此分成兩種方式:

  • 使用 Arduino Core 的 ESP8266
  • 使用 AT 指令搭配 Arduino 的 ESP8266

準備工作(使用 Arduino IDE 安裝程式庫並建立 IoT 應用)

  1. 本範例使用 MQTT(如需詳細資訊,請前往 https://pubsubclient.knolleary.net/)。
  2. 建立新的 IoT 應用(請參閱「如何在 QIoT 儀表板顯示 DHT11 資料?」)
    我們使用「按鈕」與「led」作為範例(資源名稱和資源 ID 皆為「button」與「led」)。
  3. 前往[規則]頁面,將資料從[按鈕]連線至儀表板,並傳送狀態至您的裝置。

  4. 設定 QBroker 節點: 將[按鈕]資源設定為[MQTT Message In](MQTT 訊息傳入)。
  5. 設定 QDashboard: 使用名稱[Button](按鈕)

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Watch on YouTube here: QNAP AfoBot Pre-launch - A Video Companion Robot Designed for Home Assistance

AfoBot 阿福寶官方網站:https://afobot.qnap.com/zh-tw


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On the Thursday of May 17, 2018, ON Semiconductor held the IIoT Application Program Technical Seminar at NTUT. It invited not only the MakerPro to introduce its experience and application of ON IDK development, but also QNAP to share how to apply QBoat Sunny on IoT.

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The QBoat Sunny is a dedicated single-board Internet of Things (IoT) mini server for IoT developers, measuring only 12cm x 12cm (without heatsink), and provides high expandability for connecting almost any type of IoT application. Besides, rule engine criteria and subsequent actions can be processed locally for you to create a small-scale/private IoT application with minimal costs. The QBoat Sunny can also reduce bandwidth and cloud processing costs of large scale/public IoT solutions by using it as a fog computing server/gateway to filter and relay data to public clouds.

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2018 年5 月 17 日 星期四當天,安森美半導體在北科大集思會議中心,舉辦工業物聯網(IIoT)應用方案技術研討會,除了邀請創客社群 MakerPro 來介紹其開發 ON IDK 的經驗與應用分享;身為 Maker 最佳後盾的QNAP團隊也現身會場,介紹 QBoat Sunny 在物聯網上的應用。

QBoat Sunny」有自造者方舟之稱,為一款專屬 Maker  的單板 IoT 迷你服務器。該開發板在無加裝散熱片下僅 12cm x 12cm 大小,並配有多個擴展插槽和接口,幾乎適用於任何類型的物聯網應用,讓 Maker 能以最低的成本創建小型 IoT 應用程序。 此外在大型 IoT 解決方案上,QBoat Sunny 可運用霧計算伺服器,過濾數據到公共雲,減少所需頻寬及雲端計算的成本。

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本文章您将会学到如何透过 iFrogLab LoRa 将讯息传送到 QNAP QIoT Suite Lite.


设定 iFrogLab LoRa USB 到 QIoT Suite Lite 以及 iFrogLab LoRa Gateway Container. 设定步骤请参考: http://www.ifroglab.com/en/?p=6613  (如果步骤10 一直没出现装置名称,可能是 TTY 到USB 的模块尚未加载,请尝试用 SSH 进入 NAS 并输入下列命令:

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本文章您將會學到如何透過 iFrogLab LoRa 將訊息傳送到 QNAP QIoT Suite Lite.


設定 iFrogLab LoRa USB 到 QIoT Suite Lite 以及 iFrogLab LoRa Gateway Container. 設定步驟請參考: http://www.ifroglab.com/en/?p=6613


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CAVEDU is a famous education team in maker community, which focuses on robot education and the research of development board. Therefore, those who are interested in maker would usually choose  their works as guidelines. The team member, Tseng Chi-Hung is a pioneer of domestic maker activities and IoT education. Besides, he is also prolific  and enthusiastic to share new technology. Here is the link of CAVEDU channel, which collecting lots of slide lectured by Tseng.

He used to talk about the difficulties in establishing IoT classrooms:

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大部分人对于物联网的想像多半局限在智慧居家上,然而其应用之广泛,竟可延伸至海洋及鱼类保护领域,如由美国国务院发起的鱼客松赛事,便致力以科技解决海资源遇到的困境。在3 月28 日下午3 点,由QNAP 举办近一小时的直播节目中,首先由产品经理Miona 介绍鱼客松赛事,及QIoT、Sigfox 的应用,接着由鱼客松冠军得主赖桑分享参赛时心路历程。



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大部分人對於物聯網的想像多半侷限在智慧居家上,然而其應用之廣泛,竟可延伸至海洋及魚類保護領域,如由美國國務院發起的魚客松賽事,便致力以科技解決海資源遇到的困境。在 3 月 28 日下午 3 點,由 QNAP 舉辦近一小時的直播節目中,首先由產品經理 Miona 介紹魚客松賽事,及 QIoT、Sigfox 的應用,接著由魚客松冠軍得主賴桑分享參賽時心路歷程。


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In 2018 Fishackathon, QNAP cooperated with Lai Chien-Hung to organize the "Ocean Fox" team to participate this competition. With the monitoring system "Formosan salmon submarine sampling system", they won the appraisal and the championship.This system not only create solutions to challenges facing the world’s oceans and fisheries, but also succeeded in attracting media attention of TVBS.

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Recently, team was invited by TVBS to demonstrate this system in Dahu Park. Tim, one of the team member, explained how QBoat Sunny work in this system. It can be regarded as a data collector and connected to sensors to collect temperature, colors, oxygen level, and water pressure; GPS, etc. After checking the sensors and cameras, then we can start the exploration task underwater.

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Fishackathon was first organized by the US Secretary’s Office of Global Partnerships in 2014, and it inspired the creation of digital solutions to address sustainable fisheries challenges.Overfishing and other serious problems harm marine environments and can devastate already-struggling, small-scale fishing marketplaces and communities, many of them in developing countries. Protections exist, but actual enforcement faces major obstacles.To combat this, Fishackathon brings together thousands of concerned designers, developers, and subject matter experts for a weekend to build practical tech solutions to endemic problems defined by the world’s most respected fisheries experts.

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This past February at StarRocket in SYNTREND, teams in Taipei competed in the 2018 Global Fishackathon to create solutions to challenges facing the world’s oceans and fisheries. QNAP cooperated with Lai Chien-Hung to organize the "Ocean Fox" team to participate this competition. With the monitoring system "Formosan salmon submarine sampling system", they won the appraisal and the championship.

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In this tutorial, you will learn three methods for backing up QIoT Suite Lite:

  1. Only Node-RED backup
  2. IoT Application backup (includes dashboard, rules, things)

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect to QIoT Suite Lite using HTTP.

Refer to the following tutorial to learn how to connect different development boards to QioT Suite Lite: https://www.qnap.com/go/how-to/tutorial/qiot-suite-lite

Refer to the following link to learn how to establish IoT Application and Things: https://www.qnap.com/go/how-to/tutorial/article/how-to-show-dht11-data-on-qiot-dashboard

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect to QIoT Suite Lite using HTTPS.

Refer to the following tutorial to learn how to connect different development boards to QioT Suite Lite: https://www.qnap.com/go/how-to/tutorial/qiot-suite-lite

Refer to the following link to learn how to establish IoT Application and Things: https://www.qnap.com/go/how-to/tutorial/article/how-to-show-dht11-data-on-qiot-dashboard

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect to QIoT Suite Lite using MQTT.

Refer to the following tutorial to learn how to connect different development boards to QioT Suite Lite: https://www.qnap.com/go/how-to/tutorial/qiot-suite-lite

Refer to the following link to learn how to establish IoT Application and Things: https://www.qnap.com/go/how-to/tutorial/article/how-to-show-dht11-data-on-qiot-dashboard

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect to QIoT Suite Lite using MQTTS.

Refer to the following tutorial to learn how to connect different development boards to QioT Suite Lite: https://www.qnap.com/en/how-to/tutorial/qiot-suite-lite

Refer to the following link to learn how to establish IoT Application and Things: https://www.qnap.com/go/how-to/tutorial/article/how-to-show-dht11-data-on-qiot-dashboard

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