目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

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鱼客松(Fishackathon)为自2014 年开始举办的全球性黑客松活动,由美国国务院与致力于建立全球科技社群的非营利组织HackerNest 共同主持,邀请程式开发人员和科学爱好者针对全球海洋、鱼类及渔业所面临之问题,打造创新的科技应用装置。 2018 年鱼客松在包括台北和高雄等全球数十个城市举行,台北站与高雄站的活动则由美国在台协会(AIT)、行政院农业委员会渔业署、台北市政府、美国创新中心和三创育成基金会共同主办,于2 / 3 到2 / 4 在三创生活园区的StarRocket举行。

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而QNAP 团队也与赖桑共组「 Ocean Fox」队伍,参与该场赛事,凭借着表现出色的水质监测系统「潜艇勾吻鲑」 (Formosan salmon submarine sampling system),获得评审青睐,一举夺下台北场总冠军。

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魚客松(Fishackathon)為自 2014 年開始舉辦的全球性黑客松活動,由美國國務院與致力於建立全球科技社群的非營利組織 HackerNest 共同主持,邀請程式開發人員和科學愛好者針對全球海洋、魚類及漁業所面臨之問題,打造創新的科技應用裝置。2018 年魚客松在包括台北和高雄等全球數十個城市舉行,台北站與高雄站的活動則由美國在台協會(AIT)、行政院農業委員會漁業署、台北市政府、美國創新中心和三創育成基金會共同主辦,於 2 / 3 到 2 / 4 在三創生活園區的StarRocket舉行。

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而 QNAP 團隊也與賴桑共組「 Ocean Fox」隊伍,參與該場賽事,憑藉著表現出色的水質監測系統 「潛艇勾吻鮭」 (Formosan salmon submarine sampling system),獲得評審青睞,一舉奪下台北場總冠軍。

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2018 Future Commerce had take place on Taipei Expo Park from April 26 to 29.“Beyond Boundary”,the theme of this year, was aimed at breaking the industry deadlock of Taiwan. This exhibition attracted nearly 100 enterprises to demonstrate their latest technologies and new business models.

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“Maker Market”was one of the topic among the various issues. Due to the  maturity of open source software, hardware and community, makers can easily share information and constantly bring forth new ideas into market. Iiterally, the formation of“Maker Economy”had become a mainstream.

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Watch on YouTube here: IEIE QNAP | QIOT Suite | Embedded World Germany

更多QNAP IoT 應用:


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In this tutorial, you will learn how to send data from the iFrogLab LoRa Gateway to QNAP QIoT Suite Lite.



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In this tutorial, you will learn how to use MQTT to transmit and receive data to QIoT Suite Lite using an ESP8266. As the ESP8266 has different firmware, specifications and instructions, there are two common methods:

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台湾,台北,2018 3 31  - 2018台北国际婴儿与孕妈咪用品展将于 04/05 (四) ~ 04/08 (日) 于台北世贸一馆盛大登场!威联通®科技 (QNAP® Systems, Inc.)  陪伴型机器人 AfoBot 阿福宝,将与汇嘉健康生活科技一同展出 IoT 自动智慧照护解决方案,透过 AfoBot 的语音及视讯功能,结合智能型感测婴儿床垫,提供多元居家照护服务,全方位守护家中宝贝。


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如何在QIoT Suite Lite中接收Sigfox讯息


本教学教您如何在QIoT Suite Lite中接收sigfox讯息

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活動時間 : 2018年 3月10日 (六) 10:30-17:00

活動地點 : 南科AI_ROBOT自造基地,台南市新市區南科三路17號2F

活動精彩照片 :

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解决QNAP 物聯網軟體 QIoT Suite Lite v1.1.111 使用port所遇到的问题

在QIoT Suite Lite v1.1.111 版本中,已经有针对一些常见的 (well-known) 的服务避开一些port,

例如:http-8080, https-443,但也会因为一些特殊状况而造成问题,因此我们列出QIoT Suite Lite v1.1.111 所用到的port 避免冲突。



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在QIoT Suite Lite v1.1.111 版本中,已經有針對一些常見的 (well-known) 的服務避開一些port,例如:http-8080, https-443,但也會因為一些特殊狀況而造成問題,因此我們列出QIoT Suite Lite v1.1.111 所用到的port 避免衝突。


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In QIoT Suite Lite v1.1.111, it has avoided some well-known port (e.g., http-8080, https-443), but it will also confront some specific problems. Thus, we list some port for QIoT Suite Lite v1.1.111 used to avoid conflict.

There are some ports been listed as follow to provide interior system to connect with outer devices (Port of Qgateway must be connect with outer connection, in this way, it can connect with devices)

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How to receive Sigfox data from QNAP QIoT Suite Lite


In this tutorial, you will learn how to receive Sigfox data from QNAP QIoT Suite Lite.

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The Internet of Things is used in a wide range of applications, and in combination with smart home devices (such as electrical appliances, air quality detectors, thermometers, and air conditioners) can make your home smarter.

In this tutorial we will show you how to use QBoat Sunny to enable voice control.

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如何在QIoT Suite Lite中接收Sigfox訊息

本教學教您如何在QIoT Suite Lite中接收sigfox訊息

QIoT Suite Lite設定

  • 請先建立一個Iot Applaction、Things、Resource :

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  • QBoat Sunny

    • QIoT Suite Lite

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QBoat Sunny provides similar functions to a standard QNAP NAS, and provides outstanding performance for Edge Computing. In this tutorial, we will use Wi-Fi as an application scenario:


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How to use historical data access API on QNAP QIoT Suite Lite


In this tutorial, you will learn how to use historical data access API on QNAP QIoT Suite Lite. Using the historical data access API, the limitation is that you have to create a thing on QIoT and confirm the data input type is numeric (int, float), and then it can output in count, sum, vmin, vmax, and vavg type normally.

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How to use Mass Deployment on QNAP QIoT Suite Lite

Mass deployment can help you upload infromation & resourceinfo.json, and commands via SSH to multiple devices ( Only for devices support SSH with port number 22 )


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Integrating Home Assistant into your QNAP X86 System NAS

Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform running on Python 3 and Raspberry Pi. It is very easy and beneficial to combine QNAP X86 System NAS and Home Assistant.

Notes : This tutorial only support on X86 system NAS, If you want to use it on ARM system, You should build docker image yourself, or search Home Assistant for ARM version on docker hub.

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