目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

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QNAP Security's Network SurveillanceSolution Stands Guard Over Colombian Military Site
QNAP® Security's network surveillance solution helped secure a military complex in Colombia. Located in the thriving capital of Bogota, the customer wanted to protect members of the 13th brigade at all times. It turned to turnkey consultant for a suitable video surveillance solution.

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QNAP Security's Network SurveillanceSolution Stands Guard Over Colombian Military Site
QNAP® Security's network surveillance solution helped secure a military complex in Colombia. Located in the thriving capital of Bogota, the customer wanted to protect members of the 13th brigade at all times. It turned to turnkey consultant for a suitable video surveillance solution.

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Colombian department of Santander Selects QNAP Security's NVR Solution for 24/7 Surveillance
The department of Santander, Colombia, chose QNAP® Security's network video recording solution for public monitoring. Located north of Colombia's capital Bogota, Santander is known for picturesque mountains, pristine rivers and paragliding. Local authorities wanted to monitor crime and keep citizens safe.
Legal mandates required recorded videos to be stored for at least 180 days. The department of Santander needed a high-quality network video recording solution with reliable performance.

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Colombian department of Santander Selects QNAP Security's NVR Solution for 24/7 Surveillance
The department of Santander, Colombia, chose QNAP® Security's network video recording solution for public monitoring. Located north of Colombia's capital Bogota, Santander is known for picturesque mountains, pristine rivers and paragliding. Local authorities wanted to monitor crime and keep citizens safe.
Legal mandates required recorded videos to be stored for at least 180 days. The department of Santander needed a high-quality network video recording solution with reliable performance.

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Swedish Storage Company Selstor Relies on QNAP Network Recording to Smooth its Security Management
Swedish self-storage company Selstor® provides rental units to individuals and companies for a week or more. The storage units range from 1 to 30 square meters. Customers access their individually alarmed units with their own keys and codes, which are available seven days a week from 5:30 a.m. to midnight.

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Swedish Storage Company Selstor Relies on QNAP Network Recording to Smooth its Security Management
Swedish self-storage company Selstor® provides rental units to individuals and companies for a week or more. The storage units range from 1 to 30 square meters. Customers access their individually alarmed units with their own keys and codes, which are available seven days a week from 5:30 a.m. to midnight.

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Egyptian Airline Caterer Elevates Safety and Service with QNAP’s Surveillance Solution
LSG Sky Chiefs, the world’s largest provider of in-flight services, aims to provide quality food for the flying public. It has facilities worldwide, including a food preparation site in Egypt.As food safety and security are central priorities, LSG Sky Chiefs needed to monitor and supervise the catering process on a 24/7 basis. Loss prevention was also essential for stock and refrigerator management. The employee locker room and storehouse were locations that required close attention, as many losses and related events took place.

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Egyptian Airline Caterer Elevates Safety and Service with QNAP’s Surveillance Solution
LSG Sky Chiefs, the world’s largest provider of in-flight services, aims to provide quality food for the flying public. It has facilities worldwide, including a food preparation site in Egypt.As food safety and security are central priorities, LSG Sky Chiefs needed to monitor and supervise the catering process on a 24/7 basis. Loss prevention was also essential for stock and refrigerator management. The employee locker room and storehouse were locations that required close attention, as many losses and related events took place.

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Japanese Mall Nakasu Syotengai Selects QNAP VioStor NVR for Remote Monitoring
One of the earliest malls in Kyushu, Japan-Nakasu Syotengai, attracts tourists and locals alike with kimono stores, authentic Japanese cuisine and traditional dolls. Festive banners brighten the atmosphere, where shoppers can visit apparel stores, restaurants and a post office.The bustling mall once suffered a robbery, with no identifiable images of the suspects from the outdated analog system. The shopping mall’s owner wanted an effective surveillance solution to capture crime scenes clearly, and to remotely monitor on mobile devices, such as mobile phones and tablets.

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Japanese Mall Nakasu Syotengai Selects QNAP VioStor NVR for Remote Monitoring
One of the earliest malls in Kyushu, Japan-Nakasu Syotengai, attracts tourists and locals alike with kimono stores, authentic Japanese cuisine and traditional dolls. Festive banners brighten the atmosphere, where shoppers can visit apparel stores, restaurants and a post office.The bustling mall once suffered a robbery, with no identifiable images of the suspects from the outdated analog system. The shopping mall’s owner wanted an effective surveillance solution to capture crime scenes clearly, and to remotely monitor on mobile devices, such as mobile phones and tablets.

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QNAP VioStor NVR Helps Catch a Burglar and Protects Financial Partnership LLP
Striking during the weekend and in broad daylight, a burglar broke into the building housing Financial Partnership LLP in Richmond, Surrey UK, ransacked offices on both floors, and stole two laptop computers. While the burglary was in process, the QNAP VioStor Network Video Recorder swung into action.“This is how it happened”, recalled Jeyayesh Shah, Managing Director of The Financial Partnership, “a push notification, including a high definition snapshot, hit me via email while the burglary was occurring. The email alert was sent right on time because we have properly configured according actions for all the event types via the detection functions of the QNAP VioStor.”
“When the burglary occurred, the system sent me an immediate notification, I logged into the QNAP NVR VioStor VS-4008 Pro from home, called the police, and in five minutes I was able to send them the recorded evidence for their further investigation.” The day after the incident, the burglar was arrested. He was later sentenced to 15 months in jail. “Honestly, I don’t know what we would have done without the QNAP IP surveillance system and our Y-cam network cameras,” Shah concluded.

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QNAP VioStor NVR Helps Catch a Burglar and Protects Financial Partnership LLP
Striking during the weekend and in broad daylight, a burglar broke into the building housing Financial Partnership LLP in Richmond, Surrey UK, ransacked offices on both floors, and stole two laptop computers. While the burglary was in process, the QNAP VioStor Network Video Recorder swung into action.“This is how it happened”, recalled Jeyayesh Shah, Managing Director of The Financial Partnership, “a push notification, including a high definition snapshot, hit me via email while the burglary was occurring. The email alert was sent right on time because we have properly configured according actions for all the event types via the detection functions of the QNAP VioStor.”
“When the burglary occurred, the system sent me an immediate notification, I logged into the QNAP NVR VioStor VS-4008 Pro from home, called the police, and in five minutes I was able to send them the recorded evidence for their further investigation.” The day after the incident, the burglar was arrested. He was later sentenced to 15 months in jail. “Honestly, I don’t know what we would have done without the QNAP IP surveillance system and our Y-cam network cameras,” Shah concluded.

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QNAP Security Solves a French Sawmill’s Security Concern with its Linux-Based NVR Solution
Application: Large office

Bois du Dauphiné is a famous French sawmill company located in well-known Alpine industrial city, Cheylas. Covering more than 50,000 square meters, Bois du Dauphiné has averaged an annual output of more than 150,000 square meters of softwood logs to France and neighboring European countries since 1983.

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QNAP Security provides Linux-based NVR solution to the Japanese Communication International School
Application: Large office

Every year approximately 800 students from around the world travel to study at Japanese Communication International School (JCIS) in Osaka. The security of these international elites and the campus staff is the top priority of JCIS’s IT Department; however, this is not an easy task. With an increasing number of buildings constructed and separated by functions, the most basic surveillance provision came to require the integration of a new security system with the existing network structure. The goal of this hybrid is to enhance remote access capabilities to the system’s database and to increase overall data protection.

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QNAP Security provides Linux-based NVR solution to the Japanese Communication International School
Application: Large office

Every year approximately 800 students from around the world travel to study at Japanese Communication International School (JCIS) in Osaka. The security of these international elites and the campus staff is the top priority of JCIS’s IT Department; however, this is not an easy task. With an increasing number of buildings constructed and separated by functions, the most basic surveillance provision came to require the integration of a new security system with the existing network structure. The goal of this hybrid is to enhance remote access capabilities to the system’s database and to increase overall data protection.

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QNAP Surveillance System Successfully Launched in Telekom Malaysia Berhad
Application: Large office

Telekom Malaysia is the No. 1 provider of information communication technologies in Malaysia. Their strength not only lies in their products and services, but also in various aspects of the industry including research and development as well as value added innovations.

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QNAP Surveillance System Successfully Launched in Telekom Malaysia Berhad
Application: Large office

Telekom Malaysia is the No. 1 provider of information communication technologies in Malaysia. Their strength not only lies in their products and services, but also in various aspects of the industry including research and development as well as value added innovations.

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QNAP VioStor NVRs Help a Famous Japanese Convenience Store Chain Create a Safer Shopping Environment
QNAP VioStor NVRs Help a Famous Japanese Convenience Store Chain Create a Safer Shopping Environment
A famous chain of convenience stores throughout the Hokkaido region in northern Japan installed QNAP VioStor VS-2008 Pro NVR surveillance systems in 600 of its 986 stores as an initial trial to create a safer shopping experience for customers and a safer working environment for employees.

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QNAP VioStor NVRs Help a Famous Japanese Convenience Store Chain Create a Safer Shopping Environment
QNAP VioStor NVRs Help a Famous Japanese Convenience Store Chain Create a Safer Shopping Environment
A famous chain of convenience stores throughout the Hokkaido region in northern Japan installed QNAP VioStor VS-2008 Pro NVR surveillance systems in 600 of its 986 stores as an initial trial to create a safer shopping experience for customers and a safer working environment for employees.

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QNAP Surveillance System Successfully Launched in Chinese Culture University
Taipei, Taiwan, November 2008 - QNAP Security today announced its digital network surveillance (NDVR) server VioGate-340 is adopted by the Chinese Culture University (CCU), Taiwan to set up a large-scale emergency alarm system. In an area of nearly 111 hectares, 55 surveillance servers and 42 emergency alarms are installed to enhance the campus security.

The VioGate-340 NDVR supports GPIO devices and the emergency alarms are connected to the servers. When an accident occurs, the victim can press the emergency buttons which will beep and glow in red instantly. The server will be triggered to send voice and SMS text messages to alert the security guard and the campus security centre.

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