目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

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Get started with Raspberry Pi (Nodejs)

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of working with Raspberry Pi (that runs the Debian-based Raspbian). You will then learn how to connect your devices to QNAP NAS using QIoT Suite Lite.

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Lesson 4  Integrate Power BI

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Lesson 3 Connect your device to QIoT Suite Lite using MQTTS

In Lesson 2 , we complete deploy sample code to your device .In this lesson, you will learn how yo use sample code to connect to QIoT Suite Lite.

And there are two parts:

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Lesson 2 Install QIoT Suite Lite

In Lesson 1 you already setup your device. In this lesson, you provision your QNAP QIoT Suite Lite software, and create your first device in QIoT Suite Lite.

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In this lesson, you configure your Raspberry Pi device with an operating system, set up your development environment, and deploy an application to Raspberry Pi.

There are three parts:

      A What will you need

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In this tutorial, you begin by learning the basics of working with Intel Edison that's running Linux OS based on Yocto. You then learn how to seamlessly connect your devices to QNAP NAS by using QIoT Suite Lite.

Please ensure your Intel Edison and NAS is under the same LAN.

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Lesson 3 Connect your device to QIoT Suite Lite using MQTTS

In Lesson 2 , we complete deploy sample code to your device .In this lesson, you will learn how yo use sample code to connect to QIoT Suite Lite.

And there are two parts:

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Lesson 2 Install QIoT Suite Lite

In Lesson 1 you already setup your device. In this lesson, you provision your QNAP QIoT Suite Lite software, and create your first device in QIoT Suite Lite.

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2021補充Intel Edison 相關資源


In this lesson, you configure your Intel Edison device with an operating system, set up your development environment, and deploy an application to Intel Edison.

There are three parts:


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Lesson 4  Integrate Power BI

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Lesson 3 Connect your device to QIoT Suite Lite using MQTTS

In Lesson 2 , we complete deploy sample code to your device .In this lesson, you will learn how yo use sample code to connect to QIoT Suite Lite

And there are two parts:

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Lesson 2 Install QIoT Suite Lite

In Lesson 1 you already setup your device. In this lesson, you provision your QNAP QIoT Suite Lite software, and create your first device in QIoT Suite Lite.

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In this part, there are four parts:

A: Download Arduino IDE

B: Configure and test your device

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CES2017_PR582_en (1)

台湾,台北,2017 年 1 月 5 日 – 美国消费性电子展 (CES) 5 日起于拉斯维加斯热烈登场,威联通®科技 (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) 现场 (The Sands Expo, Level 2 – 摊位 41169) 率先亮相众多创新 NAS 储存解决方案,包含:领先业界的 Thunderbolt™ 3 NAS、独家 Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet (T2E) 网络转换技术、革命性物联网应用、4K 影音串流直播,以及结合 NAS 和蓝光光盘的极致创新储存方案。QNAP 新品与科技展现十足多样性,不断突破 NAS 框架,在横跨消费者、中小企业及大型企业的 CES 展会中脱颖而出。

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CES2017_PR582_en台灣,台北,2017 年 1 月 5 日 – 美國消費性電子展 (CES) 5 日起於拉斯維加斯熱烈登場,威聯通®科技 (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) 現場 (The Sands Expo, Level 2 – 攤位 41169) 率先亮相眾多創新 NAS 儲存解決方案,包含:領先業界的 Thunderbolt™ 3 NAS、獨家 Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet (T2E) 網路轉換技術、革命性物聯網應用、4K 影音串流直播,以及結合 NAS 和藍光光碟的極致創新儲存方案。QNAP 新品與科技展現十足多樣性,不斷突破 NAS 框架,在橫跨消費者、中小企業及大型企業的 CES 展會中脫穎而出。

Thunderbolt™ NAS:影像工作者的最佳配備

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Las Vegas, NV, January 4, 2017 – QNAP®, Inc. will unleash full-throttle network-attached storage innovations at CES 2017 in Las Vegas (The Sands Expo, Level 2 – No. 41169), including industry-leading Thunderbolt™ 3 NAS solutions, revolutionary Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet (T2E) Converter technology, game-changing Internet of Things applications, 4K live-streaming/broadcasting, alongside the ultimate storage device that combines NAS and optical discs. This versatility demonstrates QNAP's willingness to break boundaries, and will stand out at CES across the consumer, SMB, and enterprise markets.

Highly desirable Thunderbolt NAS for video professionals

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來研究一下Intel CIOT (Intel® Commercial IoT Labs)


  • Building Edge Sensors and Actuators
  • Application Protocols: MQTT and HTTP
  • Databases at the Edge
  • Custom Administrative Interfaces
  •  Automation on the Edge Network

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來研究一下Intel CIOT (Intel® Commercial IoT Labs)


  • Building Edge Sensors and Actuators
  • Application Protocols: MQTT and HTTP
  • Databases at the Edge
  • Custom Administrative Interfaces
  •  Automation on the Edge Network

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今年QNAP 開始投入IoT    這個新領域,參加了蠻多活動,做個整理一下:

2016/05 IoT Tech expo

威联通科技将于 IOT WORLD 2016 先一步亮相独创 IOT 私有云平台解决方案

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今年QNAP 開始投入IoT    這個新領域,參加了蠻多活動,做個整理一下:

2016/05 IoT Tech expo

威联通科技将于 IOT WORLD 2016 先一步亮相独创 IOT 私有云平台解决方案

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