

寫了些文章像是 :

Android 1.5 Cupcake -> 2009 Mid January release ?

試用一下 Cupcake吧

今天總算真的快要烤好了 !

根據GoogleAndroid blog的這篇文章 :
Getting ready for Android 1.5

已經有官方提供的cupcake preview sdk可以download




關於輸入法 Input Method framework

# Input Method framework

* Text prediction engine
* Ability to provide downloadable IMEs to users

(之前文章提到;Android 中文輸入法 官方版 !)


# On-screen soft keyboard

* Works in both portrait and landscape orientation
* Support for user installation of 3rd party keyboards
* User dictionary for custom words


# Speech recognition framework

* Support for using speech recognition libraries via Intent

#LocationManager -

* Applications can get location change updates via Intent

(以前寫的文章要更新啦 奧妙的intent)


有關Google Map -> 使用其他API

官方文章是這樣寫的 :

We've also made changes to the developer tools and the structure of the SDK itself. Future Android SDK releases will include multiple versions of the Android platform. For example, this early-look includes Android platform versions 1.1 and 1.5. One benefit of this change is that developers can target different Android platform versions from within a single SDK installation. Another is that it enables developers to install Android SDK add-ons to access extended functionality that might be provided by OEMs, carriers, or other providers. We at Google are using this feature ourselves: this early-look SDK includes an add-on for the Google APIs. This add-on provides support for the Google Maps API, which was previously embedded in the "core" SDK.

相關文章 Android 上的 Google Map


呼呼 更新一篇 來自台灣Android中文資源站 比較詳細的說明

Android cupcake(杯子蛋糕)

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