In this part, there are four parts:
A: Download Arduino IDE
B: Configure and test your device
C: Get IP address of your Arduino Yun
D: Install development tools for your Arduino Yun
Part A: Download Arduino IDE
- Download and install Arduino IDE based on your host PC.
- More Arduino tutorial
Part B: Configure and test your device
If this is the first time you use your Arduino Yun, you will have to follow some steps to assemble it.
Connect Arduino Yun to your PC with USB.
Open your Arduino IDE and find Blink example.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="556"] Arduino Blink[/caption]
Configure your board:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="621"] Configure board[/caption]
Configure your port:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="774"] configure port[/caption]
Verify and upload your Blink example to Arduino Yun
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="738"] Verify and upload your Blink example to Arduino Yun[/caption]
If you success upload your code to Arduino Yun, please check your Arduino Yun and you could see L13 is blink now:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="678"] L13 is blink[/caption]
Connect your DHT11 sensor to “Ground”, “5V”, “Pin 2(Digital)” on Arduino Yun respectively.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="794"] Connect sensor[/caption]
Part C: Get IP address of your Arduino Yun
Press Wifi reset button (need to press 5 seconds)
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="574"]Wifi reset[/caption]
Go to your Wifi settings and choose “Arduino-Yun-XXXXXXX”. The “XXXXXXX” is MAC address of your Arduino Yun.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="230"]Wifi settings and choose[/caption]
Open your browser and type in “” or “http://arduino.local”. The default password is “arduino”.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="767"]http://arduino.local[/caption]
Complete your Board setting and link your Arduino Yun to the router you are using. Skip “API setting” and click on save to complete.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="482"]API setting[/caption]
On your PC, change your Wifi network to your router and now your NAS and Arduino is under the same network.
Part D: Install development tools for your Arduino Yun
Open Terminal from http://arduino.local
Type your login account “root” and your password. The default password is “arduino”.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="633"]arduino[/caption]
Install PIP and MQTT Library by tying in the following commands.
root@arduino:~# opkg update
root@arduino:~# opkg install distribute
root@arduino:~# opkg install python-openssl
root@arduino:~# easy_install pip
root@arduino:~# pip install paho-mqtt
- In next lesson will install QIoT Suite and connect to NAS by sample code.Lesson 2 Install QIoT Suite Lite.
Please visit QNAP github for QIoT Suite Lite sample code