看一看Acer報導時間 自2004~ 2010
Laptop Magazine 美國筆電雜誌
“With Lanci at the helm, Acer is poised to continue its global growth, not only with redesigned notebooks that place an emphasis on value, but with a new batch of smart phones and tablets.”-- July 2010
“With Lanci at the helm, Acer is poised to continue its global growth, not only with redesigned notebooks that place an emphasis on value, but with a new batch of smart phones and tablets.”-- July 2010
"How Acer Is Burning Its PC Rivals" -- April 2009
"How Acer Is Burning Its PC Rivals" -- April 2009
The New York Times紐約時報
"As fast as the computer industry moves, Acer seems to move faster ... Spearheading the netbook movement ... Acer is surging ahead in market share..." -- April 2009
"As fast as the computer industry moves, Acer seems to move faster ... Spearheading the netbook movement ... Acer is surging ahead in market share..." -- April 2009
International Data Corp .國際數據公司
"Combined Acer/Gateway growth continued to be the fastest among the top vendors and is a very solid performance for the first quarter of merged operations. Acer also clearly established itself as the third largest vendor…and seems to be handling the Gateway integration quickly..." -- February 2008
"Combined Acer/Gateway growth continued to be the fastest among the top vendors and is a very solid performance for the first quarter of merged operations. Acer also clearly established itself as the third largest vendor…and seems to be handling the Gateway integration quickly..." -- February 2008
Asiamoney 亞洲金融
"(JT Wang) ... ability to move domestic and international markets ... confident and ambitious" -- September 2007
"(JT Wang) ... ability to move domestic and international markets ... confident and ambitious" -- September 2007
Channel NewsAsia 新聞亞洲通
"Lanci comes across as a serious, international business man ... that's probably the reason why he is the right person to lead Acer forward as a serious international brand." -- September 2007
"Lanci comes across as a serious, international business man ... that's probably the reason why he is the right person to lead Acer forward as a serious international brand." -- September 2007
The Wall Street Journal 華爾街日報
"Acer has emerged as one of the biggest turnaround stories in the history of the PC industry" -- April 2007
"Acer has emerged as one of the biggest turnaround stories in the history of the PC industry" -- April 2007
BusinessWeek 美國商業周刊
"A racer called Acer" -- January 2007
"A racer called Acer" -- January 2007
Forbes 富比士
"Moving on up. Acer is gaining in worldwide PC market share..." -- July 2006
"Moving on up. Acer is gaining in worldwide PC market share..." -- July 2006
Time 美國時代雜誌
"Acer's story is an inspirational one ... Its strengths are flexibility and a willingness to buck conventional wisdom." -- July 2005
"Acer's story is an inspirational one ... Its strengths are flexibility and a willingness to buck conventional wisdom." -- July 2005
BusinessWeek 美國商業周刊
"Acer: Riding a hot streak ... is growing faster than key rivals ..." -- May 2004
"Acer: Riding a hot streak ... is growing faster than key rivals ..." -- May 2004