【一句話告訴WHO #LetTaiwanHelp 】
美國參、眾兩院國會議員發動 #挺台活動,呼籲世界衛生組織WHO邀請台灣出席5月第74屆 #世界衛生大會WHA ,獲得「對華政策跨國議會聯盟」(The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China)及各國政要和議員的響應。
從今天開始,讓更多人知道 #LetTaiwanHelp
Tell the World Health Organization to #LetTaiwanHelp.
We’d like to thank the members of the #US Senate and House Foreign Relations and Foreign Affairs Committees for their call for parliamentarians around the world and international organizations to take part in the online #LetTaiwanHelp campaign on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.
Many members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China and parliamentarians from around the world responded to the campaign which seeks to see Taiwan’s contributions to #PublicHealth during the #COVID19 pandemic recognised and calls for our inclusion in the 74th World Health Assembly in May of this year.
The first batch of medical equipment, including oxygen generators will be dispatched to #India this week to help with the pandemic there. We're also committed to providing long-term assistance to the world in terms of public health.

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