網路上查詢 Skia在 英文的定義結果:
* Picasa is a software application for organizing and editing digital photos, originally created by Idealab and now owned by Google. "Picasa" is a blend of the name of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, the phrase mi casa for "my house," and "pic" for pictures (personalized art). ...
* Skia is a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter for Apple Computer in 1993. Skia is Greek for "shadow,"and the letterforms take ...
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Google Open Sources Skia Graphics Engine
* Picasa is a software application for organizing and editing digital photos, originally created by Idealab and now owned by Google. "Picasa" is a blend of the name of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, the phrase mi casa for "my house," and "pic" for pictures (personalized art). ...
* Skia is a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter for Apple Computer in 1993. Skia is Greek for "shadow,"and the letterforms take ...
Related Post :
Google Open Sources Skia Graphics Engine