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DHT11是一個基本款低成本的溫濕度感測器,本文章將介紹如何將DHT11溫濕度感測器的資料呈現在QIoT的Dashboard上(使用Seeeduino with W5500 Ethernet Shield)

DHT 11

1.  “IoT Applications” → 選擇 “Add IoT Application”

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在QIoT Suite Lite v1.0.09版本中,已经有针对一些常见的 (well-known) 的服务避开一些port,例如:http-8080, https-443,但也会因为一些特殊状况而造成问题,因此我们列出QIoT Suite Lite v1.0.09所用到的port 避免冲突。

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In QIoT Suite Lite v1.0.09, it has avoided some well-known port (e.g., http-8080, https-443), but it will also confront some specific problems. Thus, we list some port for QIoT Suite Lite v1.0.09 used to avoid conflict.

There are some ports been listed as follow to provide interior system to connect with outer devices (Port of Qgateway must be connect with outer connection, in this way, it can connect with devices)


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在QIoT Suite Lite v1.0.09版本中,已經有針對一些常見的 (well-known) 的服務避開一些port,例如:http-8080, https-443,但也會因為一些特殊狀況而造成問題,因此我們列出QIoT Suite Lite v1.0.09所用到的port 避免衝突。



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Taipei, Taiwan, August 29, 2017 - QNAP® Systems, Inc. is an active participant in IoT, and today officially released its innovative private IoT cloud platform - QIoT Suite Lite that employs the secure computing and private storage provided by QNAP NAS and facilitates hybrid-cloud IoT solutions to maximize benefits from both private and public clouds. The QIoT service strategy focuses more on collaboration with system integrators, assisting organizations in capturing the maximum digital value for greater business potential of IoT.

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台湾,台北,2017 年 8 月 29 日 - 威联通®科技 (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) 发展物联网表现活跃,今日释出独创 IoT 私有云平台解决方案 QIoT Suite Lite 正式版,结合 QNAP NAS 安全的运算平台及本机数据存储空间,提供跨云端及本机装置的混合云端运算解决方案。QIoT 服务策略发展将锁定与系统整合商密切合作,协助业者发挥数据资产的价值,开拓物联网应用更庞大的潜在商机。

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台灣,台北,2017 年 8 月 29 日 - 威聯通®科技 (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) 發展物聯網表現活躍,今日釋出獨創 IoT 私有雲平台解決方案 QIoT Suite Lite 正式版,結合 QNAP NAS 安全的運算平台及本機資料儲存空間,提供跨雲端及本機裝置的混合雲端運算解決方案。QIoT 服務策略發展將鎖定與系統整合商密切合作,協助業者發揮數據資產的價值,開拓物聯網應用更龐大的潛在商機。

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In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of working with LinkIt 7688 (Duo) (that runs OpenWRT). You will then learn how to seamlessly connect your devices to QNAP NAS using QIoT Suite Lite.

Please ensure your LinkIt 7688 (duo) and NAS is under the same LAN.

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Lesson 3 Connect your device to QIoT Suite Lite using MQTTS

In Lesson 2 , we complete deploy sample code to your device .In this lesson, you will learn how yo use sample code to connect to QIoT Suite Lite.

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Lesson 1 Configure your device

In this lesson, you configure your Linkit 7688 device with an operating system, set up your development environment, and deploy an application to Linkit 7688.

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In this tutorial, you begin by learning how to setup Grove Indoor Environment Kit. You then learn how to seamlessly connect your devices to QIoT Suite Lite.

Please ensure your Intel Edison and NAS is under the same LAN.

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In this lesson, you will know how QIoT Suite Lite collect, control and interact with your device sensors. There are four parts as follows:

A: Dashboard Visualization in QIoT Suite Lite

B: Control your device by Rule Engine

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In this lesson, you provision your QNAP QIoT Suite Lite software and create your device in QIoT Suite Lite. There are four parts as follows:

A: Install QIoT Suite Lite

B: Import a new sample application

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In this lesson, you will configure your Intel Edison with Indoor Environment Kit. There are four parts which shows how to do it:

A: What you will need

B: Download Intel Edison drivers

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Lesson 2 Install QIoT Suite Lite

In Lesson 1 you already setup your device. In this lesson, you provision your QNAP QIoT Suite Lite software, and create your first device in QIoT Suite Lite.

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Lesson 4  Integrate Power BI

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Taipei, Taiwan, May 2, 2017 - QNAP® Systems, Inc. today released the innovative QIoT Suite Lite Beta, QNAP's private IoT cloud platform. It provides software developers and makers with the ability to easily build robust IoT applications on their QNAP NAS, providing a private, secure and on-premises environment. QIoT Suite Lite helps to complement public-cloud-based IoT solutions and provides a strong alternative for users who prefer to have a private IoT cloud solution.

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之前我們介紹過如何在NAS上藉由Container Station 安裝物聯網套件。為了讓大家更方便的建立應用,我們推出QIoT Suite Lite ,包含Gateway、Rule Engine 及視覺化資料的Dashboard。從裝置連結到NAS,到資料呈現,一次搞定。
在剛結束的國際安防展Secutech 與QVR Pro 一次在QNAP Hackathon曝光,看到許多新的應用。今天正式在QNAP App Center 可以下載,教學文件與Sample Code 也同時在Github 上公開,歡迎大家將手邊的Arduino、樹莓派及Intel Edison 都拿出來試試看與QNAP NAS連結。期待更多新應用。

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之前我們介紹過如何在NAS上藉由Container Station 安裝物聯網套件。為了讓大家更方便的建立應用,我們推出QIoT Suite Lite ,包含Gateway、Rule Engine 及視覺化資料的Dashboard。從裝置連結到NAS,到資料呈現,一次搞定。
在剛結束的國際安防展Secutech 與QVR Pro 一次在QNAP Hackathon曝光,看到許多新的應用。今天正式在QNAP App Center 可以下載,教學文件與Sample Code 也同時在Github 上公開,歡迎大家將手邊的Arduino、樹莓派及Intel Edison 都拿出來試試看與QNAP NAS連結。期待更多新應用。

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iFROG 成立於2014年,以自有品牌「iFrogLAB」行銷全球。台北總部則做為 IoT 通訊模組與智慧型手機連結的方案服務商,致力於提供客製服務,並推廣電子教育市場,這也成為其文化和品牌的核心價值。持續提供多元化高品質的創見,是他們對客戶的不變承諾;積極創新、優質服務、不斷累積,則是他們不變的堅持。

這次要為大家介紹如何iFROG如何將QNAP NAS變身為 LoRa Gateway !! 

QNAP ifroglabGateWay設定 中文版




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