目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

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新竹舊稱「竹塹」,因具備有利農耕的條件,自明鄭時期即有零星的開墾紀錄。康熙 57年(1718)在鄉紳王世傑的帶領下,竹塹地區正式地被拓墾,加上「隆恩圳」等水利措施的興修,造就風城邁向富饒、現代化的起點。

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今年(2018)適逢新竹開墾 300 週年,新竹市政府在文創館舉辦了為期 9 天的「新竹 300 博覽會」,展示這三百年間風城薈萃的歷史發展;除了讓市民重新認識在地文化,在1500 坪的策展空間中,更劃分六大展區:光輝城市、酷暖城市、自造城市、不老城市、超萌城市與漫遊城市,展示新竹的多元樣貌。

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新竹旧称「竹堑」,因具备有利农耕的条件,自明郑时期即有零星的开垦纪录。康熙 57年(1718)在乡绅王世杰的带领下,竹堑地区正式地被拓垦,加上「隆恩圳」等水利措施的兴修,造就风城迈向富饶、现代化的起点。

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今年(2018)适逢新竹开垦 300 周年,新竹市政府在文创馆举办了为期 9 天的「新竹 300 博览会」,展示这三百年间风城荟萃的历史发展;除了让市民重新认识在地文化,在1500 坪的策展空间中,更划分六大展区:光辉城市、酷暖城市、自造城市、不老城市、超萌城市与漫游城市,展示新竹的多元样貌。

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With the trend of technology generation, there are lots of new issues come out, such like IoT, AI and so on. It not only stimulates the needs of technology talents, but also reflects the obsolete education system which causes the lack of human resources.  Therefore, Ministry of Education places “Information Technology Education” as the priority in the grade 1-12 curriculum guidelines since 2019 academic year, in order to develop the core competence of students . However, the shortage of teachers, course guidelines and faculty are not well-planned, and it’s hard to make the reformation successful.

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2018 物聯網教室:


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2018 物聯網教室:


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數位時代的洪流下,孕育出許多新興議題,如物聯網、人工智慧的發展,導致業界對科技人才需求激增,從而反映現今過時的教育制度遠無法滿足此人才缺口。因此教育部自108 學年度新課綱中,將「科技領域資訊教育課程」列為12年國教中小學必修科目,冀望藉由基礎教育的養成解決該困境。然而現今師資、課程綱要、硬體設備等規劃,皆尚未臻於完善,要如何讓政策向下紮根執行而非落於口號,不能僅盼望政府單方執行,有時民間的力量往往是改革的一大助力。

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CAVEDU 打造物聯網教室的成功案例,或許可以做為雙方合作的借鏡。CAVEDU 為國內創客圈知名的教育團隊,主攻機器人教育及各大開發板的研究。團隊中的「阿吉老師」曾吉弘,更是國內創客活動及物聯網教育的先鋒。談及建立物聯網教室的阻力,阿吉老師提到雲平台的建立與無線網路設置為兩者最大的難題。

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在 Computex 2018 現場,QNAP 團隊與 Ubuntu 技術架構師蔡志展 Rex一同介紹如何用 Ubuntu 輕鬆建置 IoT 的環境。

Rex 長期活躍於台灣開放原始碼社群,如 Ubuntu、OpenStreetMap 等,也是 Hacking Thursday 開發者社群共同創辦人,目前專職協助各企業公司導入Ubuntu 系統商業化應用。


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In previous design, user need to add QDatabase to store data, however most of the user feedback wants to automatically store all the data accordingly. So that after QIoT v1.1 once using the QBroker node, the data will auto save to database and don’t need to use QDatabase anymore. All the data from QBroker (in), will store in the QDatabase, and user can use QHistoricData to retrieves the maximum, minimum, and average value stored in the QDdatabase

To access sensor data quickly, user can use QHistoricData directly, this node retrieves the maximum, minimum, and average value stored in the QDdatabase.

Qhistoricdata v1.1

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  • QDatabase:該項節點是將資料存入QIoT內建的資料庫中
    1. 輸入文字命名這個節點
    2. 確保payload訊息使用適當的訊息格式

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Artisantech was established in 2004 and focuses on integrating different systems. It provides solutions (for industrial control, environmental control, smart homes, and more) using analog circuit design and development of single-chip and embedded platform applications, thereby helping clients develop their own embedded control devices, including IoT, M2M, and Wireless Sensing Network (WSN) products and solutions.

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Artisantech was commissioned by the New Taipei City Department of Education to upgrade the energy monitoring and management system in its education center, and to introduce a new server. The original system runs on a PC-based server. The machine has been worn out from prolonged usage, and, existing storage devices are no longer serviceable and must be replaced. Besides, the education center also planned to set up an integrated management platform that facilitates real-time monitoring of various types of energy equipment (such as water meters, electricity meters, and solar panels).

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诚德科技成立于 2004 年,主要业务为开发不同系统并协助客户发展自有嵌入式控制设备,包含物联网,M2M,无线感知网络 (WSN) 的产品与解决方案。目前该公司接受新北市教育局委托,为其教育中心的能源监控与管理系统,导入新的服务器设备。原先的系统以 PC 计算机作为服务器,因使用年限已久,故障问题时常发生导致维护不易;加上教育中心计划为机构内不同的能源设备,如水表、电表、太阳能电板,设置能及时监控的整合管理平台,使得原先储存空间不敷使用。

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過去有NVR (Network Video Recording) 這樣的產品,專注在監控,連結不同的攝影機。而通常在儲存滿了就需要有NAS(Network Attached Storage) 來做擴充。因此NAS廠商與監控廠商適合作的關係。

QNAP NAS也有推出監控應用與攝影機作連結:
今年度有一個更新的版本QVR Pro 全新的產品

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In the movie "The Martian", We can see how Matt Damon trapped alone on Mars by accident, and relying on cultivating potatoes to stuff him up. It was a story about agricultural revolution. Now when we back to Earth, with the development of Industry 4.0's and AI, there is a more advanced method of planting potatoes.

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In order to make agriculture take-off, it is necessary to development open source community. The foreign FarmBot community is an example. FarmBot is like a large-scale 3D printer used in agriculture. Through the integration of software and hardware, it can be fully automated from planting to harvesting. It realizes the vision of “without working for farming”.

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电影绝地救援中,男主角麦特戴蒙因意外被独自困在火星上,靠着栽种马铃薯填饱肚子,可谓火星农业革命。然而将镜头拉回地球,现在种植马铃薯有了更先进的方法。工业 4.0 跟 AI 的触角,已悄悄延伸至农业领域。

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然而要让农业科技快速起飞,需藉由开源社群的推波助澜,让各方面通才合作,即能大幅降低进入门坎。国外的 FarmBot 社群即是一例,透过社群的改良与使用推广,让科技农业增添新的创新元素。FarmBot 就像一台运用在农业的大型3D打印机,藉由软硬件的整合,从栽种到收成采全自动化监控,实现「不用下田,也能种田」的愿景。

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電影絕地救援中,男主角麥特戴蒙因意外被獨自困在火星上,靠著栽種馬鈴薯填飽肚子,可謂火星農業革命。然而將鏡頭拉回地球,現在種植馬鈴薯有了更先進的方法。工業 4.0 跟 AI 的觸角,已悄悄延伸至農業領域

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COMPUTEX 2018 is open from June 5 to 9. The highly anticipated COMPUTEX Forum will focus on “Ubiquitous Intelligence”, where industry leaders from Taiwan and abroad will share their insights on technology trends and propel innovation into future IT fields.  At COMPUTEX 2018, blockchain and 5G are added as new themes for the first time, alongside existing AI, IoT, Innovations & Startups, and Gaming & VR in four different venues (Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1, Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 and Hall 3, and Taipei International Conference Center), inviting local and  international suppliers to join hands to create a new future for the technology industry.

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QNAP  took the lead on June 5 to showcase the latest IoT solution in 2018. At this exhibition, QNAP used AWS edge computing service, AWS Greengrass, to create NAS devices that can perform operations on the local network domain. Its system allows cloud services to run directly on NAS devices, allowing NAS to store more than just near-computing and even AI analysis.

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AWS 首次參加Computex 以亞馬遜 AWS IoT應用展覽館為主題,在TICC 3F展示AI 及IoT應用。QNAP NAS 結合IEI Gateway 及光寶LoRa sensor board 做整合展示。
可以將資料藉由QIoT 呈現在QIoT Dashboard 也可以轉到AWS Kibana 來做資料呈現。

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Watch on YouTube here: QNAP QIoT Suite Lite:輕鬆打造 IoT (CHT)
via Channel Name (or Channel URL)


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AI_ROBOT@STSP is a national innovation makerspace which is setting up with DIY equipment and fabrication studios such as TechShop, and it aims at creating a smart robot education training space. On May 26, 2018, from 1:30 to 5:00 pm, it held the third “IoT x Maker Internet of Things Community Exchange Forum” and invited IoT experts from different backgrounds, including Felix Lin, the founder of Attic Education; Chen Chiung-Liang , the teacher of Aletheia University, and famous maker-Ke and so on.

Anderson Zheng, the business development manager of QNAP, was also invited to share the how to use QNAP QIoT Suite Lite and QBoat Sunny to build the Internet of Things. Besides, he also shared the experience of 2018 fishackathon, how  QNAP assisted OceanFox to use QBoat Sunny to create a water quality monitoring and notification system.

This system is designed to solve the water pollution problem and pursue the sustainability of water resources. The submarine will be released at the source of a river upstream and automatically return to its base after reaching the sea. Furthermore, it is equipped with sensors for monitoring temperature, colors, oxygen level, and water pressure; GPS, etc. Finally,  the collected data will be updated to QBoat Sunny and backuped in cloud for further analyzing.


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南科 AI_ROBOT 自造基地,每月会针对 AIOT/AR/VR、智慧机械/机器人、无人载具、智慧演算/FinTech、智慧农业、智慧医疗等 6 大主题社群,推出社群交流论坛。 2018 年5月26 日下午一点半到五点,第三场「IoT x Maker物联网社群交流论坛」邀请来自不同背景的IoT 专家,包括将IoT 跟教育结合的亚提教育创办人Felix Lin、真理大学陈炯良老师、「AIOT/AR/VR主题社群」共同召集人的柯大等Maker 达人。

而 QNAP 事业发展经理郑人豪(Anderson)也在此次受邀分享行列中。平常戮力于自造者社群中推广QIOT 开发环境的他,将在这次的分享中,除了比较IOT 公有云及私有云的布建特性,如何使用QNAP QIoT Suite Lite 及QBoat Sunny 来打造物联网云平台外,也分享QNAP 协助OceanFox 团队如何使用QBoat Sunny 打造水质监测及通报系统,勇夺2018 鱼客松台北场冠军的经验。

Ocean Fox 团队的「潜艇勾吻鲑」是为了解决水污染问题,追求水资源永续利用,而打造出的淡水监测和通报系统。潜艇勾吻鲑的机身本体是雷虎科技的潜水艇海狼号(SeaWolf),内嵌 QNAP 推出的 IoT 微型伺服器 - QBoat Sunny 作为控制与资料储存中心,主导水质监测任务。 Ocean Fox 团队以 QBoat Sunny 及其所支援的 QNAP 物联网开发套件 QIoT Suite Lite,结合 Arduino 感应器与 Sigfox 无线通讯技术,建构出 IoT 水质监测解决方案。潜艇勾吻鲑能主动潜进污水里采取样本,以无线通讯将所收集的数据资料即时上传至QBoat Sunny 储存,随后再透过QBoat Sunny 连接公有云服务并上传数据副本,以利研究人员进行水质资料分析。


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