目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

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Watch on YouTube here: QNAP QVR PRO - 居家監控方案

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Watch on YouTube here: 【QIoT + AWS】Flexible Edge Computing with QNAP NAS and Greengrass|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会


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Watch on YouTube here: 【Ubuntu】帶您輕鬆建置 IoT 環境|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

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Watch on YouTube here: QNAP QuAI + ORTHANC | 【2018 Computex】


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Watch on YouTube here: 【Netvox】QNAP-Netvox IoT Total Solutions |2018 IEI x QNAP Shanghai CIIF

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Watch on YouTube here: 【QIoT + AWS】Flexible Edge Computing with QNAP NAS and Greengrass|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会


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Watch on YouTube here: 【Ubuntu】帶您輕鬆建置 IoT 環境|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

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Watch on YouTube here: QNAP 新品介紹 | 【2018 Computex】

對台灣廠商而言Computex 是一個主show 期待更多人參與 !!

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Watch on YouTube here: 【Netvox】QNAP-Netvox IoT Total Solutions |2018 IEI x QNAP Shanghai CIIF

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戰術上的勤奮:幫產品開發 10 個新功能

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儲存設備廠商QNAP 推出陪伴型機器人 AfoBot ,主打視訊通話及語音命令 ex. 小福小福 我想聽五月天 派對動物 就可以打開KKBOX 播放五月天的歌曲。


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QNAP 陪伴型機器人 AfoBot  2020更新 第二代改名為KoiBot 再出發 !!

2020 為什麼您需要一台 KoiBot?

創新科技不斷推陳出新,企業數位轉型刻不容緩。KoiBot AI 智能商務語音機器人,以 「人」為出發點,內建語音控制、人臉辨識、即時翻譯等豐富底層應用,並具備主動式聽聲辨位功能,可透過 API/ SDK 整合企業資訊來驅動智慧化的櫃檯接待、智慧視訊會議等服務。不但可一機多功輔助傳統人力、降低人員配置成本,更帶來更高的服務穩定度,適合佈署於公司行號、政府機構、百貨商場與醫療機構。KoiBot 優異的軟硬體功能以及開放式的高整合度,協助打造客製化與最適化服務,加速實現企業數位轉型。

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物联网的蓬勃发展,让热爱研发科技产品和服务的创客们,有了挥洒无尽创意的新天地。而为了因应开发者不同的需求,市售开发版琳琅满目,凡举 Arduino、Rasberry Pi 各有相应的不同功能。而在外部连网的时代,东西有多智能,对象有什么特色,才是 IoT 竞争环境下的致胜关键。

由 QNAP 推出的微型单板服务器 QBoat Sunny ,可视为小型 NAS,特别适合做为携带型的 IoT Gateway!不仅兼容于物联网通讯协议 MQTT ,还可以 Node-red 为基础下去开发应用程序。然而其与 NAS 最大不同在于容量的限制。QBoat Sunny 使用固态硬盘(SSD),虽容量无法与传统硬盘(HDD)比拟,但已足以用于边缘运算。


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Tanibox 是家来自印度尼西亚的新创公司,结合区块炼及物联网技术,致力于让农业供应链在透明、安全的生态圈下,发展永续的粮食系统。过去农夫在耕作时时常遇到以下几个问题,如耕作上用水、肥料的需求及预算难以估计,气候、虫害等无法预测的风险。此外,农场的营运纪录难以保存也成为一个迫切解决的问题,使得生产要素及耕作流程无法被确实分析,导致生产率低落。

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What is TANIBOX?

Tanibox is a Indonesia startup company, aim at developing sustainable food system, which combines blockchain and Internet of Things to empower food and agricultural supply chain within a transparent, secure, profitable and sustainable cooperative ecosystem.

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This article is reproduced from CAVEDU Education Blog with permission.

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Have you heard of NAS? For those who are accustomed to using the cloud service, the free space such as Google Drive and Dropbox is gradually exhausted under uncontrolled use. Meanwhile, the China cloud service, such as 360 and Baidu, also suspended services or transform one by one. Even the Amazon, officially canceled the storage plan for unlimited space, and charged for the amount of space. While users are struggling to move in the cloud, it also shows the advantages of NAS.

Although the initial stage of building a NAS requires a lot of money, the subsequent use of storage space, privacy security or the accompanying audio-visual streaming, backup and other functions are more complete than the simple cloud space!

However, there are hundreds of NAS models, and how do you choose the right one for your product? QNAP official website allows users to recommend the most suitable NAS model according to the purpose of use, such as home, business level, and storage space requirements!

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In this tutorial you will learn how to use new method "QBroker" node to import data to Dashboard after updating QIoT Suite Lite from v1.1.1 to v1.1.2.

Users can choose to import  data from the Rule Engine "QBroker" node.

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