目前分類:IoT物聯網 (489)

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Taipei, April 2, 2019 – QNAP® (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) will showcase the TS-2888X AI-Ready NAS for machine learning at the 2019 Artificial Intelligence Exhibition & Conference (AI EXPO 2019). The TS-2888X uses the exclusive QuAI Developer Suite and the Intel® OpenVINO™ Workflow Consolidation Tool (OWCT) to simplify AI application development processes, and helps organizations develop Computer Vision and deep learning solutions with cost effectiveness and high efficiency. QNAP will also unveil its smart home video companion robot, AfoBot, which integrates health, education and surveillance applications.

TS-2888X - All-in-one platform for AI solutions, storage, computing and development
The TS-2888X AI-Ready NAS features a high-performance Intel® Xeon® W processor with up to 18 cores/36 threads and up to 512 GB of DDR4 ECC memory. With a huge potential storage capacity that alleviates data storage problems that AI applications often face, the TS-2888X also supports up to 4 high-end graphics cards to significantly increase AI machine learning efficiency. Its hybrid storage architecture provides more flash storage space, allowing users to transfer pre-processed data to four U.2 SSDs for more efficient storage utilization. Through the training models generated by a TS-2888X, OWCT can be used for optimization and verification to facilitate deep learning inference in various industries.

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Taipei, April 2, 2019 – QNAP® (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) will showcase the TS-2888X AI-Ready NAS for machine learning at the 2019 Artificial Intelligence Exhibition & Conference (AI EXPO 2019). The TS-2888X uses the exclusive QuAI Developer Suite and the Intel® OpenVINO™ Workflow Consolidation Tool (OWCT) to simplify AI application development processes, and helps organizations develop Computer Vision and deep learning solutions with cost effectiveness and high efficiency. QNAP will also unveil its smart home video companion robot, AfoBot, which integrates health, education and surveillance applications.

TS-2888X - All-in-one platform for AI solutions, storage, computing and development
The TS-2888X AI-Ready NAS features a high-performance Intel® Xeon® W processor with up to 18 cores/36 threads and up to 512 GB of DDR4 ECC memory. With a huge potential storage capacity that alleviates data storage problems that AI applications often face, the TS-2888X also supports up to 4 high-end graphics cards to significantly increase AI machine learning efficiency. Its hybrid storage architecture provides more flash storage space, allowing users to transfer pre-processed data to four U.2 SSDs for more efficient storage utilization. Through the training models generated by a TS-2888X, OWCT can be used for optimization and verification to facilitate deep learning inference in various industries.

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QNAP 物聯網應用 QIoT 詳細介紹


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QNAP 物聯網應用 QIoT Suite  Lite 詳細介紹


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QIoT Suite Lite 1.2.100
( 2019/03/15 )
[New Features]
1. QTS users can now be imported into QIoT Suite Lite.
2. QTS users can now log in to QIoT Suite Lite using their QTS account.

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QIoT Suite Lite 1.2.100
( 2019/03/15 )
[New Features]
1. QTS users can now be imported into QIoT Suite Lite.
2. QTS users can now log in to QIoT Suite Lite using their QTS account.

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QIoT Suite Lite 1.2.066
( 2019/01/18 )
[New features]

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QIoT Suite Lite 1.2.066
( 2019/01/18 )
[New features]

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Zephyr is a small real-time operating system[3] for connected, resource-constrained devices supporting multiple architectures and released under the Apache License 2.0. A BSD licensed fork occurs in the Arduino 101 software source package from Intel.[4]


The Zephyr™ Project is a scalable real-time operating system (RTOS) supporting multiple hardware architectures, optimized for resource constrained devices, and built with security in mind.

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Zephyr is a small real-time operating system[3] for connected, resource-constrained devices supporting multiple architectures and released under the Apache License 2.0. A BSD licensed fork occurs in the Arduino 101 software source package from Intel.[4]


The Zephyr™ Project is a scalable real-time operating system (RTOS) supporting multiple hardware architectures, optimized for resource constrained devices, and built with security in mind.

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最近BYOC (Build You Own Cloud) 的概念越來越紅加上許多廠商邁入物聯網的領域中 ( 從Arduino 開始到Intel Edison, MTK 7688 以及瑞昱的Ameba )

有沒有想過把家裡的NAS另外做一個應用呢?只要使用container 技術就可以快速變身,自建物聯網雲 !

使用QNAP TVS-473  舉例 (其實QNAP X86 NAS都可以)安裝QNAP的 Container Station https://www.qnap.com/solution/qiot-containers/zh-tw/

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QNAP NAS for IoT 教學文收集


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QNAP NAS使用movidius USB 搭配NCSDK

docker hub連結

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run ncsdk on QNAP NAS

related link:

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How to setup NVIDIA DIGITS with QNAP NAS (Container Station)


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How to setup NVIDIA DIGITS with QNAP NAS (Container Station)


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之前有一篇 QNAP NAS + openHAB 介紹,在QIoT Blog 還有一篇HOME ASSISTANT 介紹給大家。


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之前有一篇 QNAP NAS + openHAB 介紹,在QIoT Blog 還有一篇HOME ASSISTANT 介紹給大家。


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