Mia Khalifa 眼鏡義賣 所得將捐給黎巴嫩紅十字會
Mia Khalifa Youtube:
Mia Khalifa,在四天前宣布要把她最具代表性的眼鏡拿出來競拍,所得將全部拿來捐助她的祖國黎巴嫩在前陣子的貝魯特大爆炸的受害者。
補充一下eBay連結,歡迎有能力的朋友共襄盛舉 !!
Porn star-turned-activist Mia Khalifa is auctioning her "signature" glasses to raise money for the Lebanese Red Cross after a blast rocked the country's capital, killing over 150 and injuring thousands.
Lebanese-American Khalifa has chosen to sell off the infamous glasses, which were her signature accessory when she rose to fame in the porn industry in 2014.
The glasses are being auctioned off on eBay, where the bid currently stands at over $93,000.
"The novelty glasses are the best prop, I will sign them (if you want), and take one last polaroid wearing them before sending them off to their new home!!!," she said on the e-commerce platform's listing.
"I'm adding something more to the auction [with] every $25k raised and announcing it on Instagram," she said. "Before the original listing was removed at $100k (for reasons now cleared with eBay. This auction is being run with both their, and the LRC's awareness), the last prize added for that milestone was my retainer," she added..
Mia Khalifa 米婭·卡莉法(阿拉伯語:ميا خليفة,1993年2月10日-),出生於黎巴嫩貝魯特的美國人。
天主教家庭,2000年與家人移居美國,喜歡逛街之外,閒暇時光會和家中2隻狗玩樂,喜愛體育運動,除了美式足球之外,也是籃球球迷,喜歡NBA,是華盛頓巫師隊先發控球後衛John Wall的忠實球迷。
被視為佛羅里達州立大學球隊「非官方吉祥物」[6]。 在Youtube及各類影音平台上有多首以Mia Khalifa為名的電音流行歌曲。
Mia Khalifa 官方Twitter
THE AUCTION IS LIVE, for good this time (thank you to eBay and LRC for your help!) HAPPY BIDDING, YA FILTHY ANIMALS!!— Mia K. (@miakhalifa) August 9, 2020
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