
大神李飛飛加入Twitter ? 是AI大神還是小粉紅大神?

李飛飛 (Fei-Fei Li)(1976年7月3日-[1]),史丹佛大學電腦科學教授美國工程院院士[2]。目前任職於史丹佛大學人工智慧實驗室(SAIL)[3] 、史丹佛視覺實驗室、豐田汽車-史丹佛人工智慧研究中心負責人[4]。她的專業領域是電腦視覺認知神經科學[5]。2016年,李飛飛利用她在史丹佛的學術假期,加入Google雲端人工智慧暨機器學習的中國中心團隊,以Google Cloud 首席科學家身分為團隊負責人之一。2018年9月,她宣布返回史丹佛任教,並持續參與史丹佛大學的AI議題研究[6]。她是ImageNet的首席科學家和首席研究員[7]

2020 年 5 月 11 日,Twitter 官方宣布,任命前 Google Cloud 人工智慧和機器學習首席科學家李飛飛為董事會獨立董事,自發布之日起生效。



推特也染紅? 中國網紅︰揭獨董李飛飛紅色背景慘遭註銷帳號 ...

2020年5月25日 - 不只Google深陷染紅疑雲,近期有多位Twitter用戶表示,自己因發文 ... 有人因此整個頻道被封鎖,令外界懷疑中國的審查模式是否已滲透Google。

推特風波不斷李飛飛加盟再引關注| 社媒| 中共| 染紅| 大紀元

2020年5月30日 - 多個披露過其「紅色背景」的推特帳號被封,川普總統的推文也遭到推特審查。李飛飛與中共的多重聯繫再次引發關注。 力促谷歌AI進入中國.

「紅色」#李飛飛上任伊始多個推特帳號即被封殺當事人發起白宮 ...

2020年5月21日 - 與中共關係密切的美國華裔人工智能專家李飛飛加盟推特僅一周,就祭出殺手,一鍵封殺深挖 ... 目前當事人已發起白宮請願,要求調查推特及李飛飛。 ... 推特宣佈任命谷歌前副總裁李飛飛爲董事會獨立董事,這引發普遍的審查擔憂。


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A White House petition was created last week after news broke that the Twitter accounts of Chinese dissidents started to disappear after a controversial Chinese-American artificial intelligence (AI) expert was hired to serve on the company's board.

On May 11, Twitter announced in a press release that it was hiring Li Fei-Fei (李飛飛), an AI expert and former vice president of Google, to its board of directors as a "new independent director" with immediate effect. Li quit Google in 2018 after a trail of leaked internal emails revealed that she appeared to be more concerned about the public relations damage to Google's image if news broke about the company's work on Project Maven than the ethical issues raised by over 3,000 Google employees.

Project Maven is a U.S. Department of Defense AI project that seeks to use the technology to help military drones select targets from video footage.

During her tenure at Google, there is no public record of Li objecting to the controversial Project Dragonfly, which was meant to be a search engine that would suit China's censorship rules, as she opened an AI research facility in Beijing.

When she took the helm of Google's new AI center in Beijing, Li was quoted in Chinese media as using the CCP slogan "stay true to our founding mission" and said that "China has awakened." In addition, Li allegedly has ties to a student association that is affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) United Front, according to Radio Free Asia.

Caption reads: "Li Fei-fei returns to the motherland to take charge of the Google AI Chinese team: Stay true to our founding mission, China has awakened." (Screenshot of Weibo post)

A week after Li joined Twitter, a Chinese writer who goes by the handle Caijinglengyan (財經冷眼), discovered that four of his accounts were simultaneously deleted on May 18. He did not receive an explanation until May 23, when he was told his accounts had been taken down for violating Twitter's rules against posting identical content on duplicate accounts.

He countered that he had only posted content on one of the accounts and used the other to retweet the original post. He pointed out that Twitter does not have a policy precluding a person from having more than one account.

The writer stated that he believes the real reason for his account cancellations was that, on May 17, he tweeted that Twitter's new board member has a "red background." In the post, he alleged that she is a member of a student association affiliated with the CCP's United Front and has close ties with "Second Generation" and "Third-Generation Reds."

Caijinglengyan claimed that many other Twitter accounts used by Chinese dissidents were suddenly suspended without notice. After he contacted them, he found that they had also criticized Li or started commenting about Li just before their accounts were banned.

The writer listed @beacon__news (灯塔爆料社) and @kevinheaven9 (Calvin看美国) as other Twitter users who found their Twitter accounts suddenly shut down. He claimed that one Twitter user simply wrote "Li Fei-Fei is coming, I have to run," and soon found that both his primary account and secondary account had been suspended.

French-based Chinese dissident Wang Longmeng (王龍蒙) wrote that Twitter's ban on those who criticized Li and exposed her background "was undoubtedly related to Li Feifei's appointment as a director, because criticism and negative information were banned, which is Beijing characteristic," reported Liberty Times. He believes that Twitter was quickly "dyed red" after Li took charge.

On May 20, a petition was created on the White House website titled "Call for a thorough investigation on Twitter's violation of freedom of speech." The creator of the petition wrote that Twitter is suppressing criticism of the CCP and suspending dissident accounts while pro-Beijing accounts remain unscathed.

The petition listed May 18 as a date when many "anti-CCP" Twitter users found their accounts permanently suspended. The author of the document pointed out Li's involvement with Project Maven and alleged that she was engaged in extensive military-technical programs while running Google's AI center in Beijing.

The document then alleged that Li continues to have "close ties with top leaders of the CCP." The petition closed by calling on the U.S. government to investigate "Twitter's violation of freedom of speech, and on Dr. FeiFei Li's collaborations with the CCP, a threat to national security."

希望大家帮忙转发,找回失去的网友!同时我也在申诉,并联系媒体报道!不排除法律起诉的选项! 今天封我,后面可能会封任何批评中共的平台!希望推特作恶不要太离谱— 财经冷眼2.0 (@caijinglengyan) May 19, 2020



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