Android 2.2 announced ! API Level: 8
Android 2.2 is a minor platform release including user features, developer features, API changes, and bug fixes. For information on developer features and API changes, see the Framework API section.修改幅度應該是像Cupcake –> Donut一樣,比較像是補充包 xD
待會來看一下Code來看有多少個Commit !
Android 2.2 Platform Highlights
1. 安裝APK到SD-card
可以在manifest裡面宣告 installLocation ("internalOnly", "preferExternal", and "auto")。2. Data Backup
the Backup Manager handles the work of transporting the application data to and from the backup storage area in the cloud.3. Gesture –> multitouch !!
New ScaleGestureDetector that lets Views detect and handle transformation gestures that involve more than one pointer (multitouch) using the supplied MotionEvents.4. 新增的Permission
— Any device administration broadcast receiver must require this permission, to ensure that only the system can interact with
— Allows an application to call killBackgroundProcesses(String).android.permission.SET_TIME
— Allows an application to set the system time.Media的修改:
這一次也是多了很多API來調整Audio以及讓開發者更容易使用語音辨識的功能。不過Media真的很多專業知識,完全沒碰過阿。1. Graphics
using ETC1 for texture compression. –> 不懂enable compression from YUV to JPEG and manipulation of YUV data. –> 不懂
2. Audio的部份
New APIs in for managing audio focus, transport control, transient loss of audio focus, ducking. –> 不懂New broadcast intent for routing audio to SCO –> SCO @@ 不懂
3. Speech recognition
the APIs are sufficient to integrate voice recognition deeply into an IME. –> Google說 我給你的API足夠你開發語音輸入!不過我到覺得以下特點,倒是可以讓語音辨識的準度提昇不少:
New RecognizerIntent extras that let a requester app specify details as preferred language, minimum length in milliseconds, and so on.
4. Camera and camcorder
感覺每一版都會針對Camera動刀,而且還是大刀 。這次有提到Changes to camera preview API to improve efficieny of preview pipeline. 希望真的有明顯的提昇。
感覺不多,原本印象中有要針對EAS做些改進,卻沒有在官方文件中提到@@ 到底有沒有補些什麼新功能呢?還是看Code比較實在。
1. Device policy manager
New device policy management APIs allow developers to write "device administrator" applications that can control security features of the device.可以讓開發者針對密碼作些設定,例如密碼最短長度。
2. Accounts and sync
New method AddPeriodicSync() lets you schedule a periodic sync with a specific account, authority, and extras at the given frequency.--
快來下載SDK來試試看吧 :)
Android 2.2 要來啦 ~Android 2.2 and developers goodies.
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