

QQQ App將於6月1日起暫停服務,請儘速備妥移轉手續費並儘速轉移您的所有資產以避免造成任何損失

親愛的Poseidon Network用戶您好:

感謝您對我們長期以來的愛護與支持,由於我們的產品將進行重整計畫,即將在 2023-06-01 起暫停QQQ App錢包服務,屆時將不再支援QQQ App錢包登入及任何錢包服務之使用。

請您盡快備妥移轉資產所需之ETH手續費至QQQ App內,並完成所有資產轉移至您其他ETH鏈上地址,以避免因QQQ App錢包終止服務而造成的任何損失。


造成您的不便,敬請見諒。 如有任何問題,請來信至 詢問,謝謝。

Poseidon Network 敬上

The QQQ App will temperately suspended services starting from June 1st. Please prepare the transfer gas fee as soon as possible and withdraw all of your assets promptly to avoid any potential loss

Dear Poseidon Network user,

Thank you for your support and care for our product. As we are preparing to restructure our product, the QQQ App wallet service will be temporarily suspended starting from June 1, 2023. After this date, the QQQ App wallet login and any wallet services will no longer be supported.

Please prepare the necessary ETH transfer gas fee and withdraw all your assets to your other ETH chain address as soon as possible to avoid any potential loss caused by the termination of the QQQ App wallet service.

You can refer to our withdraw tutorials here

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please email Thank you.

Best regards,

Poseidon Network


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